Wednesday, December 8, 2010


CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI Maharaj was born, lived, fought and won battles against religious and social oppression in the 17th century Bharat or India. He was a shining star on the Indian firmament and is renowned as a champion of the downtrodden and depressed masses. He was and continues to be an icon for the classes and masses alike and is seen as a rallying point for peasants oppressed by foreign rulers, Pathans and Moghuls alike. Sexually exploited women found in Shivaji Raje a protector, a benefactor and flocked to his Hindavi Swaraj to find solace and feel liberated under his saffron flag.
The teenager Shiva had seen the kingdoms of Bijapur and Golconda in the Deccan as agents of aggression who mercilessly sucked the blood of the commoners and never spared their women the ignominy of rape, loot and plunder. The morale of the common man was in his boots. He and his family were down in dumps and did not know how to hold their heads high and live a life of human dignity.
Shivaji chose to champion the cause of the common man against oppression of rulers of foreign origin and he used the might of his sword, Bhavani, to exterminate the oppressors who rode high horses and commanded the superior strength of the state of Bijapur. Shivaji showed his qualities of leadership and galvanized the peasants, workers, artisans, clerics and what have you into an army of patriots out to measure swords with cruel chieftains like Afzal Khan and others of his ilk. The morale of Shivaji’s ragtag army was sky high.
Never mind the home made weaponry pitted against big guns of the Sultan of Bijapur. Never mind the high horses of the State against whom the hill ponies of peasant soldiers were determined to fight. It was love of Swadesh, love of the oppressed kith and kin, it was the fire raging in their hearts and minds exhorting them to restore the honour of their women and motherland that gave them the moral armour to defend against the heavy armaments of the oppressive state.
The Patriotism of a high order fired their imagination to devise new strategy to defeat the seemingly superior enemy who was morally weak. A life of ease and comfort, debauchery of the lowest order had weakened the moral fibre of the kings and captains of foreign origin. They were just waiting to be felled by a man of high moral calibre fired with a sense of deep patriotism like Shivaji. The man of the masses just did that and drove the last nail into their coffins.
The tall, hefty and well built man who commanded a reputation of being invincible in combat named Afzal Khan took upon himself to tame Shivaji, son of Shahaji, another warrior-general of the Bijapur durbar who had told the Sultan that he had no control on the military exploits and victories of his son, Shivaji.
Afzal was a much married man and had a harem of countless concubines. A superstitious man that he was, he did crystal gazing and had a premonition that he would not return alive after a confrontation with the rising star of the house of Bhosles. He, therefore, killed all his wives and concubines to prevent them falling a prey to the lust of other Pathan nobles of the Bijapur durbar. It showed that his morale was sinking.
A wily and crafty man that he was, Afzal Khan contrived to kill Shivaji while embracing him, son of a fellow noble man. At the pre-determined place on a no man’s land on the boundary of the new State of Shivaji and the Bijapur durbar, the two men met with just two aides each. Their armies were left far behind.
The tall Khan was sarcastic bordering abusive from the word go. He asked Shivaji to come close to him for a deep hug. On the pretext of embracing Shivaji, a short statured man, Khan tried to strangle him with all the force at his command. Shivaji later told his Guru, Samarth Guru Ramdas, that for a few moments there was darkness in his eyes and he was about to faint owing to strangulation attempt of Khan but he suddenly gained strength on remembering Maa Bhavani and collected his wits to counterattack. Shivaji used his iron claws and ploughed through the abdomen of Khan. As his intestines were badly damaged, his iron fist hold on Shivaji’s neck loosened and weakened by profuse bleeding Khan fell down. His men put him into a palanquin and tried to flee. Shivaji’s Maratha captains who were there as armed escorts fell on the Khan’s aides, beheaded them and eventually beheaded Afzal Khantoo.
The Maratha guns fired salvos to indicate that the battle has been joined and it is time to attack Khan’s army. On seeing a headless dead Khan, his army ran helter skelter and the Maratha army of Shivaji carried the day. They seized so much munitions of war, war horses and precious stones, not counting gold and silver from the Bijapur camp that it was enough to finance many a campaign of Shivaji against Bijapur in the coming years. However, no general of the Bijapur army was prepared to lead a campaign against Shivaji after learning what happened to old war veteran Afzal Khan.
The news of Shivaji humbling Afzal Khan and despatching him to the next world enhanced Shivaji’s military reputation and morale of his Maratha army was sky high. The Bijapur army sued for peace and recognised Shivaji as a ruler of the territory under his military control.
Shivaji’s military victories in the Deccan made the Mughals sit back and take stock of the situation afresh. It was decided by Aurangzeb, the sitting king who had imprisoned his father Shah Jehan and killed brothers like Dara Shikoh to ascend the throne of Delhi, to despatch a large composite army under the command of his maternal uncle, Shaista Khan to subdue the Marathas.
The Mughals had initial success and the Marathas drew them into the hinterland before launching a counter-attack. Shaista Khan encamped in Pune and chose to live in the Lal Mahal that originally belonged to Shivaji. The latter decided to launch a daring attack and beard the Mughal lion in his own den.
One fine evening a small chosen army of the Marathas under the command of Shivaji himself gained an entry into Pune as the Deccan sepoys meant to replace the Mughals on night duty. As the night fell, Shivaji did the daring act of attacking Lal Mahal where Shaista Khan was living with his Begums. Shivaji entered their bedroom but in the commotion Shaista Khan woke up and tried to flee through the window.
His Begum put out the light. Shivaji still attacked Shaista Khan and cut all his fingers with which he was holding the window sill. Having driven the point home, the Marathas returned to their base unhindered and without any loss of life. The Mughal emperor could not bear this ignominy and recalled Shaista Khan to Delhi for rest and recuperation.
Aurangzeb put into practice the policy of divide and rule the Hindu population of Hindustan. He deputed his relative by marriage the ruler of Jaipur, Raja Sawai Jai Singh to tame the lion of the Deccan. Shivaji wrote a poignant letter to Jai Singh imploring him not to shed the Hindu blood for a Muslim ruler. Had Jai Singh come on his own as a Hindu King, Shivaji would not have opposed him in battle but met him, received him as a brother but now that he was an employee of a foreign invader,
Shivaji had no option but to oppose him on the battle field. Shivaji knew that it would be an exercise in futility to oppose a battle-tested general like Jai Singh and, therefore, sued for peace. Raja Jai Singh requested Shivaji to go to Agra and meet the Mughal emperor and no harm would be done to him as a Rajput ruler gives his word of honour to protect him in Agra. His son, Ram Singh would keep Shivaji and his son, Sambhaji out of harm’s way.
However, wily Aurangzeb had different designs to do the short shrift of the Maratha King. Ram Singh learnt of the devilish design of Aurangzeb and advised Shivaji to flee from the palace like prison and return to the Deccan.
It is a recorded history that both Shivaji and Sambhaji succeeded in coming out of the Mughal trap and restablished his sway on the territories won by Raja Jai Singh who was later poisoned by Aurangzeb’s men. How ungrateful was Aurangzeb, that is not difficult to fathom.
Shivaji had had a bad patch in life. He was surrounded by the enemies on all sides. On his return from the Mughal incarceration, his authority as a supreme ruler and unchallenged monarch  required to be re- established. Notwithstanding challenges thrown by the Mughals and Pathans , Shivaji planned to hold his coronation ceremony in a grand manner.
He would be the first Hindu king after the loss of the mighty Vijainagar empire to be addressed as a crowned king. The Morale of his army and the people at large would touch the sky again. Mata Jijabai, the mentor and philosopher guide of her son, Shivaji too wished to see him a crowned king. The coronation would be a psychological victory for the Hindu King of the Hindavi Swaraj where no permission would be asked for from the Delhi throne. Indeed it was a master stroke of political and diplomatic strategy of Shivaji.
The Coronation ceremony itself was a grand spectacle. On the Trayodashi, Shukla Paksh of Jyeshtha,Vikrami 1731 samvat was chosen by the pundits as the auspicious day of coronation. The great Vedic Pundit, Gaga Bhatt was invited from Varanasi to preside over the Vedic Coronation ceremony and he did a brilliant job of it.
His presence as the presiding purohit of the Rajayabhishek and his declaration of the great Maratha ruler as “KSHATTRIYA KULWANT SIMHSANADHISHWAR CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ” PUT THE SEAL OF AUTHORITY ON THE CORONATION.
A large number of men and women, both Indian and foreigner, had assembled at Fort Raigad, the capital of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s Hindavi Swaraj. They all went ecstatic with joy when the Ved mantras were recited by the group of purohits under mahapundit Gaga Bhatt. Water brought from seven pious rivers of Bharat, indicating unity of the country from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Kamrup to Kutch,mingled with water brought from the seven seas was sprinkled on the anointment ceremony of the Chhatrapati. An umbrella, crimson and gold, was held above the head of the ruler to be crowned, and the title of Chhatrapati was conferred on him by the High Priest. The sea water brought and sprinkled on the Chhatrapati was a symbol of his dream come true when Shivaji became the first king of India to raise a full- fledged Navy under Admiral Angre.
As the High Priest solemnly anointed the Chhatrapati, in the midst of recitation of Ved mantras, singing of devotional songs and sound of traditional music, Guns boomed from all the forts located in the Hindavi Swaraj simultaneously. The Coronation of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj became a laudatory landmark in the annals of India.
The Hindus now held their heads high and walked erect as they lived and worked under the protective umbrella of a crowned king, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj who had vowed to protect and defend the Hindu Dharma till his last breath. He lived up to the high ideals and never let down his people, the common man for whose defence and betterment he had drawn the sword out of the sheath. Shivaji had not only brought a sense of unity and solidarity among his people but always protected the women and never allowed anyone to play with the honour of women folk. Thus the common man was well protected. From this security had flown prosperity.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

बदलना है भविष्य तो विद्रोह करो.

कभी कुछ न सहने और जो अभी तक जो कुछ मानते आए उसे कसौटी पर कसने और लगे तो नकारने, स्वीकारने का स्वभाव भी पालना चाहिए। जो ठीक न लगे उसे क्यों सहें? और जो मन न माने उसे भी जीने का सामान जुटाने की मजबूरी में क्यों मानते रहें? नेपाल में प्रचंड ने पशुपतिनाथ से छेड़छाड़ की तो जो अभी तक डरे सहमे सब कुछ चुपचाप सह रहे थे वे भी विद्रोह में उठ खड़े हुए, माओवादी अहंकार ढीला पड़ा। जो लोग तोलते हैं कि नुकसान क्या और कितना होगा, उसके बाद तय किया जाए कि बोलें या न बोलें, वे केंचुए के कबीले में रहते हैं। तेईस साल की उम्र में भगत सिंह निडर विद्रोह कर वह कमा गए जो करोड़पति रायबहादुर ब्रिटिश चाटुकार होकर छू भी न पाए थे। विवेकानंद तो पैंतीस के ही थे कि संसार छोड़ गए पर संसार उन्हें अब भी याद करता है -12 जनवरी को सरकारी स्तर पर नहीं, जनता के असरकारी स्तर पर विवेकानंद का जन्मदिन मनाया गया था। उनके जीवन का एक ही मूल परिचय था - आमि विद्रोही चिर अशांत। लीक पर नहीं चलना। जो गलत लगे उसे नहीं मानना, जो सही है उसके प्रसार के लिए गत्ते के डिब्बों में भी रात बितानी पड़े तो मंजूर। यानी जीएं भले ही थोड़ा, पर आग धधकती हो , रोशनी फैलाते हुए। धुएं की तरह सुलग-सुलग कर लंबे जीने से अच्छा है आत्महत्या कर लो , बोझ मत बनो।
पर आज यह बताना, विवेकानंद को याद करना खतरे से खाली नहीं। जरा कह कर देखिए कि ये मंदिर वाले अपने देव, आराध्य पूजने की जगहें इतनी गंदी क्यों रखते हैं। काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर जाने की गली क्यों है कीचड़ भरी और ये पंडे, अपने जजमानों को इतने अभद्र और अमानवीय ढंग से क्यों लूटते हैं? वृंदावन में सिर घुटाए विधवाओं को देख कर हम क्यों मुंह फेर लेते हैं और उस समय राधे-राधे कह कर पलायनवादी अबूझी धार्मिकता का पाखंड औढ़ते हैं जब सारा हिंदू समाज युद्ध भूमि में आक्रमण झेल रहा हो ? क्या यह समय मंदिरों में घंटियां बजा-बजा कर अपने पाप शमन करने के जुगुप्साजनक कर्म का है या आनंदमठ के उस संन्यासी विद्रोह के तेवर फिर सुलगाने का जो धर्म को राष्ट्र से विलग कर देखता ही नहीं? देश बचेगा तो देवताओं के लिए भी जगह बचेगी। वरना तक्षशिला, रावलपिंडी, मुल्तान और कराची हो जाओगे - यह बताने अब कोई नहीं आता।
गंगा की पूजा-आरती करने वालों ने गंगा गंदला दी, पर खम यों ठोंकते हैं मानो युद्ध-सज्ज रणबांकुरे हों। जिसकी स्मृति ही लुप्त है और सीने में है संसद का बाजार, वह संस्कृति के उद्धार की, सभ्यता के संरक्षण की बात करे तो कौन गंभीरता से लेगा? ये उस देश के लोग हैं जहां दशरथ के वानप्रस्थी मन और जनक के वीतरागी स्वभाव पर मन मथने वाले व्याख्यान होते हैं और तब भी सत्ता राजनीति का खेल खेलते हैं। गो हाथ में जुंबिश नहीं, आंखों में तो दम है, रहने दो अभी सागरो मीना मेरे आगे। धन्य हैं आप। आपकी जीवन कथाएं, आचरण, शब्द शक्ति आने वाली पीढ़ियों को निस्संदेह ‘ प्रेरित ’ करेंगी।
थक रही आंखें विद्रोह का पोकरण देखना चाहती हैं। राजनीतिक मूर्ति पूजन के विरूद्ध कोई मूलशंकर पाखंड खंडिनी पताका लेकर आए या विवेकानंद का साहस सीने में समाए असंदिग्ध हिंदू निष्ठा को हिंद महासागर की उत्ताल तरंगे नापते हुए पुन : घोषित करे तो इन वोट भय से आक्रांत अंधेरे के टुकड़ों को जनता के अस्वीकार की परची थमाई जा सकेगी। भारत का नवीन कायाकल्प नूतन धर्मचेतना के उदय-पथ से ही होगा। जब ईश्वर चंद्र विद्यासागर, दयानंद हुए, या हेडगेवार ने वह कर दिखाने के लिए पांच सहयोगियों को लेकर संघ गढ़ा, जो पहले कभी हिंदू समाज ने देखा न था, तो वे भी अपने वक्त के विद्रोही, चिर अशांत थे। श्यामा प्रसाद मुखर्जी और दीनदयाल, दोनों ही अकाल कालकवलित हुए, इसी विद्रोही, अशांत परम्परा के जाज्वल्यमान नक्षत्र थे।
जब विवेकानंद ने स्वदेश मंत्र दिया और कहा कि जिन्हें तुम नीच, चांडाल, अब्राह्मण कहते हुए दुत्कारते हो , वे सब तुम्हारे रक्त बंधु, तुम्हारे भाई हैं , जब उन्होंने बचपन, यौवन और वार्धक्य के अध्यात्म को भारत के रंग में रंगा, जब अरविंद ने देश को भवानी-भारती के रूप में स्थापित किया तो वे सब अपने समय की धारा को बदल रहे थे, सड़ चुकी परंपराओं के विरूद्ध चट्टान बने थे। बुझ चुके चिरागों के थके हुए दीपदान हमारा पथ आलोकित नहीं कर सकते। हिसाब मांगने का वक्त अब है। गांधी और दीनदयाल को पूजने की जरूरत नहीं, उनके नाम पर रास्ते, बगीचे, बाजार और इमारतें खड़ी करना, चलो ठीक होगा, पर उन्हें मानते हो तो उन्हें जियो , जीकर दिखाओ।
व्यक्ति नहीं रास्ता महत्वपूर्ण होता है। बचाता रास्ता है, व्यक्ति नहीं। रास्ता भूले तो फिर हमारी वाणी और व्यवहार प्रभाहीन हो जाते हैं। अब देखिए, कहीं गोहत्या बंद नहीं हुई। पर हम गोभक्त हैं। कही मतांतरण बंद नही हुआ, पर हम मतांतरण विरोधी हैं। कहीं हमारे हाथों भारतीय भाषाओं का सम्मान नहीं बढ़ा, पर हम भारतीयता के प्रहरी हैं। हम मंदिरों के रक्षक और सर्जक हैं, पर सरकारी नियंत्रण से कोई मंदिर बाहर निकाल नहीं पाए। हम देवी उपासक हैं, पर कन्या भ्रूण हत्या रोक पाते नहीं। हम राष्ट्र रक्षक हैं, पर कोई भी अपने चुनाव घोषणा पत्र में यह कसम खाने से डरता है कि सत्ता में आए तो हमारी जो एक लाख पच्चीस हजार वर्ग किलोमीटर जमीन चीन और पाकिस्तान ने हड़पी हुई है, उसे वापस लेने के संसद के सर्वसम्मत प्रस्ताव को हम क्रियान्वित करेंगे।
हम बगल के गांव जाते हैं तो अर्धचंद्राकार टोपी पहन कर अस्सलामवालेकुम कहते हैं। तुम्हारे गांव आते हैं तो सिर पर गोंद से शिखा चिपका कर रामनामी औढ़ लेते हैं। अब हमें न वोट दीजिएगा तो किसे दीजिएगा? हम जातितोड़क समरसता के सम्मेलन से दफ्तर लौटते हैं तो जाति के सर्टिफिकेट जांच कर चुनाव के टिकट बांटते हैं। वोट के हकदार हम ही तो हुए फिर। हम बहुत कुछ हैं, पर हम कुछ भी नहीं हैं। प्लीज हमें वोट दो ना? यह सेक्युलर चलन या असेक्युलर भ्रम तोड़ने के लिए विवेकानंद के घनप्रहार की ही प्रतीक्षा है। डरोगे तो मरोगे, मरने का डर न होगा, तभी पाओगे। अमरनाथ से पशुपतिनाथ के प्रसंग यही बताते हैं। पर यह स्थिति बहुत कम परिणाम में दिखती है। हम अजर, अमर, अविनाशी आत्मा वाले, जो कहते हैं कि चोला ही बदलता है, आत्मा नहीं, कितना डरते हैं खड़े होकर इनकार के स्वर गुंजाने में।
इसलिए विवेकानंद, हेडगेवार को याद करने, जीने की जरूत है। ठहराए हुए पानी में काई बहुत जमी है। उसे साफ करने के लिए तो कुदाली, घन और पत्थरों की ही जरूरत होगी। हर आंदोलन अपनी नई भाषा गढ़ता है, भारत भी नई भाषा गढ़े - उषा के साथ उन्मीलित होते सरोज की नाई। इस उषा काल में अगर नए भारत के अग्रणी भिन्न भाषा और मुहावरे भी बोल रहे हैं तो गंभीरता का तकाजा है उन्हें आगे बढ़ते देख मुदित हुआ जाए। हर कोई सिर्फ हमारी भाषा, हमारे सोच, हमारे शब्द - संसार के चर्च से बपतिस्मा लिए हो तभी हम उसे अपना कहेंगे, लेकिन यह चर्चीकरण करते हुए भी खुद को उस परंपरा का ध्वजवाहक कहेंगे जो चार्वाक के मतवैभिन्य को सम्मान देती है और किसी गैलीलियो को सजा नहीं देती - तो यह दोहरापन चलेगा नहीं। आकाश में सूराख हो सकता है, जरूरत सिर्फ तबीयत के साथ एक पत्थर उछालने की होती है। दुष्यंत कुमार ने वही कहा जो सच उन्होंने देखा था। इसलिए भक्ति से स्पंदित पशुपतिनाथ के आराधकों के लिए विद्रोह की अर्चना कर नवीन पाशुपातास्त्र के उपयोग की सिद्धता चाहिए। यह सिद्धता संसद मार्ग से नहीं आनंदमठ के स्वयं स्वीकृत कंटकाकीर्ण संघ पथ से मिलेगी।
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RAIGADH - rajdhani fort of Shivaji Maharaj

top view of seating place of SHIVAJI MAHARAJ

Entrance of fort to fight enemy 

"Shivaji Maharaj"

"Jai Bhavani Jai Shivaji"

Shivaji Maharaj Samadji at Raigadh

Shavaji Maharaj 

Water storage at raigadh




Friday, December 3, 2010

SIT clean chit helps Narendra Modi clear a hurdle

Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi did not encourage rioters to run amok after the Godhra attack, an investigation team appointed by the Supreme Court has said. The team submitted its report to the Supreme Court in a sealed envelope, but newspapers have gathered that it has given Modi a clean chit.
The Times of India reports: "Sources said the Special Investigative Team found 'no substantial incriminating evidence' against Narendra Modi who was accused by Zakia Jafri of deliberately letting the rioters run rampage. Jafri's husband, former Congress MP Ahesan Jafri, was brutally killed by a mob of rioters whom the police, allegedly, did not stop from attacking the Gulbarg Society housing complex."
Last year, the Supreme Court last year had asked the SIT, headed by former CBI director R K Raghavan, to investigate Jafri's complaint.
Modi will be grateful for the respite, as the taint of allowing rioters go on a killing spree could have ruined his national ambitions. The acquittal clears one hurdle, but he faces many more if he wants to be a national leader. He is projected by many in the party as India's future prime minister. Earlier this year, Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar refused to allow Modi to campaign in his state, even though he fought elections in alliance with the BJP. In fact, Nitish Kumar even returned aid that Modi offered his state's flood victims.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi recently referred to Modi as an "evil leader" and compared him to Mao. The DNA reported: "...Rahul made some sharp remarks on Modi and said that his development is coming at the cost of a particular community. He then said the blemish of Godhra... will not fade away even if Modi does great work... He then went on to compare Modi with Chinese leader Mao Zedong."
Modi has been chief minister since 2001. He is frequently criticised for his hardline Hindu line, but faces no charges of personal corruption. Gujarat overcame economic stagnation and recorded a growth of 10 per cent soon after he took over. his troubles began in 2002, when a Muslim mob attacked Sabarmati Express and set fire to a coach, killing 59 people returning from Ayodhya. Riots broke out soon after the arson attack, and by Wikipedia's reckoning, 93 Muslims and 77 Hindus were killed by the time the government brought things under control. Modi was accused of not controlling the rioters.
Modi's official website refers to him as 'Hon'ble CM', but does not extend the 'Hon'ble' prefix to the prime minister.